Back to Work Plan

IPH COVID-19 Transitional Work Plan This plan is set out to provide a staged transition back to a work environment without the current COVID restrictions. We want to begin to plan so that the proper procedures can be in place as the authorities begin to relax the restrictions. This will provide IPH with a guideline when making decisions as the current situation evolves. Our goal is to get everyone back to work safely and responsibly throughout each stage of this transition.

Stage 1: Flattening the Curve – Social Distancing, Enhanced Hygiene, and Responsible Quarantine


Reduce contact and exposure to slow the rate of infection. This will allow the health care system to buy time to expand their resources to deal with the sick. It also buys time to create new treatments and possibly a vaccine.


Contract Division Office Staff will work from home. Computer equipment and VPN access is set up and will be available for all the office staff. A daily video conference call is set up for 10:30am every workday. Everyone must make every effort to make this meeting. It is expected that everyone is working a full day’s work unless discussed otherwise.

Contract Division Site Workers will continue to work on their jobsites as available. Each jobsite will have its rules and they must be followed. In addition, any WorkSafe rules must also be followed. Generally, IPH has adopted the following measures:

  • Employees must do the self-assessment tool daily
  • Hand Wash stations to be used where possible
  • Added disinfection of lunchrooms and common areas for crews
  • Face masks for use when the working within 6’ of others and in vehicles
  • Stay at home if anyone has any sickness

Service Technicians will continue to work and do service calls as dispatched. Dispatch will screen calls to determining if the house or worksite is within our risk tolerance. The homeowners will be instructed on our requirement for social distancing and be informed of our procedures to protect them and our workers. For example, the homeowner will be informed that if the conditions have changed from the time of the call and the tech arriving, they reserve the right to defer the call. Technicians shall have their PPE and follow the newly COVID Safe Practice and Safe Job Procedure.

Service Office Staff will be working from both the office and from home. Some aspects of the work can only be done from the office. The service department office is restricted to Service Department personnel only.

Stage 2: Transition to the New Normal – Live, Commerce and Protect the Vulnerable


Allow the virus to run its course. With the healthcare system ready and well prepared we can begin normalcy and get the economy back on track. There will never be a definitive “all clear” with this virus, and as we do in every aspect of life, we will have to carry on knowing that there are risks all around us and make responsible decisions. Increasing contact amongst the healthy and protecting the vulnerable will be the new normal.


IPH will initiate stage 2 when the Government Authorities allows gatherings of approximately 30 people.


Healthy Persons: people under the age of 65 without a pre-existing respiratory condition or immune compromised condition.

Responsible Decisions: Every individual is capable and shall be encouraged to decide on their actions. Being responsible in this situation includes the following, do not visit the elderly when you are sick, do not be around people when you are sick, and if you are at risk, quarantine yourself.

At-Risk Persons and Vulnerable Persons: include those who are deemed at risk by the authorities. At this time this includes the elderly and persons with pre-existing respiratory conditions or immune compromised conditions. People that work closely with COVID patients are also considered in this category.

Indirectly Affected Employees / Restricted Situation Employees: Employees that have mitigating factors that keep them from interacting in person. This includes, an employee who is the primary caregiver of an At-Risk Person or Vulnerable Person, or an employee who is required to provide daycare for their children as schools and childcare services are suspended.

Trigger: Is an event or information that IPH will use to move forward with a given stage. The purpose of stating these triggers is to give us something to work towards. These triggers may change or not be relevant as time goes on, thus we will be updating these triggers as information becomes available.


Contract Division Office Staff will work at the office with regular hours. All employees will conduct the self-assessment tool daily and follow its results. Employees that are unable to come to the office because they are an at-risk, vulnerable, or Indirectly Affected Employees, will work from home as in stage 1. Those who are in the office will have workstations that are 6’ apart. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available for use. All meetings and lunches will abide by the social distancing rules. Accommodation to work partially from home and office is acceptable as many families will require some presence at home by both parents. These cases will be discussed on an individual basis.

Contract Division Site Workers will continue to work on their jobsites as in Stage 1. Each jobsite will have its rules and they must be followed. In addition, any WorkSafe rules must also be followed. Generally, IPH has adopted the following measures:

  • Employees must do the self-assessment tool daily
  • Hand Wash stations to be used where possible
  • Added disinfection of lunchrooms and common areas for crews
  • Face masks for use when the working within 6’ of others and in vehicles
  • Stay at home if anyone has any sickness

Service Technicians same as stage 1, will continue to work and do service calls as dispatched. Dispatch will screen calls to determining if the house or worksite is within our risk tolerance. The homeowners will be instructed on our requirement for social distancing and be informed of our procedures to protect them and our workers. For example, the homeowner will be informed that if the conditions have changed from the time of the call and the tech arriving, they reserve the right to defer the call. Technicians shall have their PPE and follow the newly COVID Safe Practice and Safe Job Procedure.

Service Office Staff will work at the office with regular hours. All employees will conduct the self-assessment tool daily and follow its results. Employees that are unable to come to the office because they are an at-risk, vulnerable, or Indirectly Affected Employees, will work from home as in stage 1. Those who are in the office will have workstations that are 6’ apart. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available for use. All meetings and lunches will abide by the social distancing rules. Accommodation to work partially from home and office is acceptable as many families will require some presence at home by both parents. These cases will be discussed on an individual basis.

Stage 3: The New Normal


At this stage, testing is readily available, and the healthcare system is fully capable of handling the virus, we will be back to living the new normal.


IPH will initiate stage 3 when the authorities remove or relax COVID restrictions.


Remove social distancing requirements and allow movement of crews and staff to interact without concern.

